UGC NET DEC 2023: How to manage your time?

UGC NET DEC 2023: How to manage your time?


As we all know, the UGC NET DEC 2023 Exam date has already been released, and the exam is scheduled to be held from 6th to 22nd Dec 2023, so aspirants do not have much time to prepare each and every topic in such a short time limit. So what aspirants should do to manage their time, in this article, we will discuss time management under 'UGC NET DEC 2023: How to manage your time?'

There are certain methods, or say ways, through which aspirants can manage their time effectively and efficiently. We understand the stress of the last minute, so to solve this issue, we have come up with a few tips and strategies through which aspirant can command their time and achieve any task, small or big, so here are the tips and strategies for time management.

1. Set your goal

Whenever we start a task, there is a goal that is achievable and measurable, so firstly, an aspirant must set a goal. A goal should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time, which means each goal should be particular, which is measurable and attainable. It should be relevant, which is co-ordinated with your larger goal. Once you set a goal, you can see that things become very convenient to achieve.

2. Prioritize wisely

Once you set a goal, you should be very clear about your priority, as this will help to achieve your goal in a timely. Now the question is, what should we prioritize? An aspirant can prioritize on the basis of strong and weak points, important topics, etc.

3. Limit to complete a task

There is always a task that can be finished in a time-bound manner, so whenever an aspirant sets a goal, there should be also a time limit with a task, so that the aspirant can measure the task with the time. If a task cannot be completed within a time limit, then you can also break the task into a shorter form, so that it can be achievable.

4. Take a break between tasks

Refresh yourself after completing a goal, a task, or between the tasks (if it is too big to achieve), means you should take a break between the tasks, so you can reboot yourself and plan to complete the task according to your time availability and do not take long break, as it can also break the flow of focus with the task. Short breaks are enough to reboot yourself. This break can be a tea break also.

5. Organize yourself

Cluttering things or tasks can suppress your confidence level, so make sure the desk, mind, things, and calendar are organized in a very efficient way. This tip can also help you in the future, as everything you do and it is not organized then it will hamper the future things also.

6. Remove non-essential tasks/activities

You always set a goal, and you understand the need for essential and non-essential tasks. While prioritizing the task, you have already removed non-essential tasks/activities.


How to manage time in UGC NET December Exam?
The total duration of the UGC NET December exam is 3 hours and there are no time barriers for solving the papers distinctly. But we suggest that the candidates must divide the time between Paper 1 and Paper 2. The candidates must give 1 hour to Paper 1 as it has 50 questions and 2 hours to Paper 2 which comprises 100 questions.

How many hours of study is required for UGC NET December Exam?
However, on average, it is recommended that you dedicate around 4-6 hours of daily study for at least 3-4 months before the UGC NET December Exam. This time frame can vary based on your individual needs and learning style.


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